Automatic Swing Doors and Their Industrial Applications

Deemed as the most common automatic doors, automatic swing doors serve several purposes in industries. One of the most desirable qualities of these doors is their flexibility. Also, the property owners can either choose to go for an altogether new installation or can automate their existing swing doors by calling industrial door services. However, in this case, the existing doors need an assessment. Automatic swing doors are available in two formats including low energy doors and fully automatic doors. Here we discuss the features of both these kinds of swing doors.

Low energy swing doors

This kind of door does not require safety sensor since it moves slowly. In case the door has an impact on an object or person, the low force exerted by the door will ensure that no harm is caused since you will not have to go for safety sensors, you will be able to save hundreds of pounds.

The downside of low energy swing doors

Low energy swing doors can only suit the environments where there is a low traffic. This means these are ideal for locations where the door is used only a few times a day and that there is no vulnerability to the people or objects due to a collision. The door has a minimum opening time of 4.5 seconds and the hold open time in 5 seconds minimum. Hence you will find the door very slowly. The different scenarios that will suit this kind of doors are the front door for a residential dwelling and internal doors used by trained people. Those doors used very frequently must be fully automated in order not to cause inconveniences to the traffic. In most cases, low energy doors are activated with press pads.

Fully Automatic swing doors

These doors are known for their faster speed. They are moved by a heavy pushing force. Each of their leaves has safety sensors mounted on them. These sensors can scan the swing area in front of the doors to ensure there are no obstructions to the movement of the door. If there are any chances for impact, the sensors will cause the doors to stop. These doors are ideal for locations demanding constant usages like shopping malls, supermarkets and hospitals. You get them in two types namely single doors or double doors that work harmoniously. The industrial door company installing it for you can make it open either inside or outside. Hence these doors offer the greatest convenience and utility. Irrespective of the kind of door you install, automatic doors require inspection and service once in six months by a swing door repair company.


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